God emage are metaphors
Was Jesus God?, __”Not unless we all are.” “Ahh!”
And that’s what Jung is saying in his Answer to Job: it is actually the work of man that is projected in the image of an imagined being called God. And so, historically, the God image is really a mirror image of the condition of man at a given time.
Yet, I think most people take their image of God very concretely. Except for the French. A survey was taken in which people were asked, “Do you believe in God? Do you believe in hell?” The French-I think, seventy-five percent of them-did not believe in God, but did believe in hell! I like Alan Watts’ reply: “If you believe in God, I don’t. If you don’t, I do.”
My belief is that nobody experiences the ultimate rapture, because it’s beyond pairs of opposities, so if anyone did, there’d be nobody there anyhow. Jung is amusing on that point. “If you go beyond subject and object,” he wonders, “who is there to have the exper- ience?” I think to give oneself a ground for anything other than monastic living, all one has to do is realize that such a thing is implied; that is to say, a mystery that is beyond subject, object, and all pairs of opposite is the mystery on the ground of which we ride.
When the physicist explores the depths of the atom or the outer reaches of space, he discovers pairs of oppo- sites and mysteries that science hasn’t been able to pen- trate. When it does penetrate to the next level, it’s still mysterious. They’ve got so many sub-atomic particles. that’s about as mysterious as you can get. There is the One is named after Joyce’s “quark.” It seems to me transcendent. Know it’s there, and then don’t worry about it.Simply behold the radiance everywhere.
“The incarnation in Christ is the prototype which is continuously being transferred to the creature by the Holy Ghost.“__Jung
In the tribe, deities were personification of power.
In later years,they became the source of power.
All the gods of the world are metaphors,not powers.