Author: Ranjeet

Who is a Hero or Heroine?

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There are so many stories in mythology.Because that’s what’s worth writing about. Even in popular novels, the main character is a hero or heroine who has found or done something beyond the normal range of achievement and experience. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

Well, there are two types of deeds. One is the physical deed, in which the hero performs a courageous act in battle or saves a life. The other kind is the spiritual deed, in which the hero learns to experience the supernormal range of human spiritual life and then comes back with a Lord Buddha.

Every father is a hero,who earns money for his family,but unfortunately it is not being considered a heroic act.
Just because if a dog bites a man, that’s not a story,but if a man bites a dog,you have got a story there.
So the thing that happens and happens and happens,no matter how heroic it may be,is not news.
eg. Giving birth to a child is a great heroic act,but that happens and happens and happens.Motherhood has lost its novelty,you might say .
“There is no greater warrior than a mother in this world.”KGF (Indian Movie).
He, who has the courage to do more is more worthwhile than his life.

A hero is not someone who saves life but opens the door to all ordinary people to be alive.

Because death is an integral part of life.

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

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“AUM” mythology and metaphors

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AUM” is a word that represents to our ears that sound of the energy of the universe of which all things are manifestations. You start in the back of the mouth “ahh,” and then “oo,” you fill the mouth, and “mm” closes the mouth. When you pronounce this properly, all vowel sounds are included in the pronunciation. AUM. Consonants are here regarded simply as interruptions of the essential vowel sound. All words are thus fragments of AUM, just as all images are fragments of the Form of forms. AUM is a symbolic sound that puts you in touch with that resounding being that is the universe. If you heard some of the recordings of Tibetan monks chanting AUM, you would know what the word means, all right. That’s the AUM of being in the world. To be in touch with that and to get the sense of that is the peak experience of all.

A-U-M. The birth, the coming into being, and the dissolution that cycles back. AUM is called the “four-element syllable.” A-U-M-and what is the fourth element? The silence out of which AUM arises, and back into which it goes, and which underlies it. My life is the A-U-M, but there is a silence underlying it, too. That is what we would call the immortal. This is the mortal and that’s the immortal, and there wouldn’t be the mortal if there weren’t the immortal. One must discriminate between the mortal aspect and the immortal aspect of one’s own existence. In the experience of my mother and father who are gone, of whom I was born, I have come to understand that there is more than what was our temporal relationship. Of course there were certain moments in that relationship when an emphatic demonstration of what the relationship was would be brought to my realization. I clearly remember some of those. They stand out as moments of epiphany, of revelation, of the radiance.

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What is poetry ??

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The ultimate, unqualified mystery is beyond human experience just like god is beyond thinking and experiences.and poetry comes from there.

Poetry is a language that has to be penetrated. Poetry involves a precise choice of words that will have implications and suggestions that go past the words themselves. Then you experience the radiance, the epiphany. The epiphany is the showing through of the essence.

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RANJ – Poetry

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वो कहने लगे,

तेरी ढ़लती शाम में आफ़ताब लेकर आऊंगा

तेरी जिंदगी में खुशियाँ,

बेहिसाब लेकर आऊंगा,

हमने कहा-

रहने दो जनाब !

की मेरी शाम भी कुछ हसीं कम नहीं

मेरी चांद की रौशनी भी इतनी भी कम नहीं

हो जाएंगी खुशियां बेहिसाब मेरी

अभी मेरे ज़िंदगी के घाव इतने भी नम नही

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Different between love affair and marriage

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Marriage is the reunion of the separated duad.Originally you were one.You are now two in the world,but the recognition of the spiritual identity is what marriage is.
Its different from a love affair.
It has nothing to do with that.Its another Psychological plane of experience.When people get married because thay think its a long-time affairs,they will be divorced very soon, because all love affairs end is disappointment.
But marriage is recognition of a spiritual identity .
If marriage is not a first priority in your life,you are not married.

The marriage means the two that are one,the two become one flesh.

If the marriage lasts long enough,and if you are acquiescing constantly to it instead of to individual personal whim,you come to realize that that is true -the two really are one.

Marriage is a relationship. When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you’re sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship. The Chinese image of the Tao, with the dark and light interacting-that’s the relationship of yang and yin, male and female, which is what a marriage is. And that’s what you have become when you have married. You’re no longer this one alone; your identity is in a relationship. Marriage is not a simple love affair, it’s an ordeal, and the ordeal is the sacrifice of ego to a relationship in which two have become one.

“A love affair has to do with immediate personal satisfaction. But marriage is an ordeal; it means yielding, time and again. That’s why it’s a sacrament: you give up your personal simplicity to participate in a relationship. And when you’re giving, you’re not giving to the other person: you’re giving to the relationship. And if you realize you are in the relationship just as the other person is, then it becomes life building, a life fostering and enriching experience, not an impoverishment because you’re giving to somebody else … This is the challenge of a marriage.”

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