Every real hero never tries to make the world.They always see the world as it is.World is all with its brutality,cruelty,illness,losses, a golden lotus world.
For God all things are good and right.
But man categorizes duality.
You can’t say there shouldn’t be poisonous serpent ЁЯРН.
But in the field of action,you see a poisonous serpent about to bite someone’s body.you kill it.that is not saying no to serpent.that saying no to that situation.
We just have to look in those dimensions.
because no one can cure the world.The world is sinfull.
Jesus said -He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am,and I should be he.
Means:Lord jesus the way he sees the world the way he lives the life the way he affirms all pain,you should also do that the same way.
then water (materialistic things )will become wine(spiritual things) .and you will definitely transcend the duality.When Jesus says, “He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am and I shall be he,” he’s talking from the point of view of that being of beings, which we call the Christ, who is the being of all of us. Anyone who lives in relation to that is Christ. Anyone who brings into his life the message of the Word is equivalent to Jesus, that’s the sense of that.
We can’t cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.
As buddha said _All life is sarrowfull.you have to participate joyfully in sarrow full life.
The Bodhisattva voluntarily comes back into the world knowing that it’s a mess.
He does not come back “only if it’s sweet for me” The Buddhistva participate joyfully in the sorrow of the world.
The Bhagwat Geeta says:
“Get in there and do your things don’t worry about the outcome”.
Recognize Sorrow as of the essence.
When there is time there is sorrow.
we can’t rid the word of sorrow.but we can choose to live in joy.
Having this perspective makes a lot of difference.
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