#HOLY BOOKS throughout the world

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If something that can be written or said is not the ultimate thing.
because “transcendence is transcendence”.
Books won’t speak to you until you put yourself in the realm of the adventures of your life.

The best things cannot be said,this is to say,you can’t talk about that which lies beyond the reach of worlds.
The second best are misunderstood.because they are the statement of Lord krisna,Jesus,and all that.
they are misunderstood because of the vocabulary of the symbol that was used to be a reference to the historical events.

All holy books will not talk to you in that language in which, it has been written(sanskrit ,latin Hebrew ,pharsi,Arbi etc. ) but your own very personal language,in which your soul can understand when you are going to
enters in your own adventure world,in your own path.

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Monster within you

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Drogon is inside you.
That’s the real problem.
Ohh!I couldn’t be a writer.
Ohh! I couldn’t be a singer.
Ohh !I couldn’t be a pilot.
That’s your ego holding you in.
If you do what the environment tells you to do,then your dragon is the environment.
That’s the real dragon inside you.Which is lock you in, pinning you down.
you have to slave the dragon inside you.

How to slay this dragon?
Follow your bliss__Joseph Campbell.
Follow your rapture.

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TRAPPED” Not in accord with nature

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If you deny something in nature.
you are going to be trapped.

Life lives on life
if you deny it,you will be trapped.

Life lives on sacrifice.
if you deny .
you will be trapped .

Nothing is permanent.everything is going to be changed.
if you deny it,you will be trapped.

Childhood-to-Teenager-Adulthood -to-Manhood-Fatherhood.
On every stage:You have to transform your psychology.
you have to die your older version to get a new version.
died and resurrection
over again.
Just remember:
When you were a child, you spoke as a child, you understood as a child, you thought as a child,but when you become a man,you put away childish tuings.Thats the psychological transformation.

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe,to match your nature with Nature.

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Best Quotes 2022

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Best Quotes 2022


1. Life is always at the edge of death. Don’t fear it.

Just jump into the ocean of your bliss and get your resurrection .”your best version is waiting for”.


2. . If there were no flaws in anyone, then there would not be a single laugh from the whole world.

3. The way our world is getting illuminated. It is not being enlightened.

4. अगर आप भी किसी मंजिल की तलाश में हैं

तो, मशवरा है..
” Raah se ishq” कर लो,
It won’t get you to the destination but it will break the illusion of “मंजिल” .

Romantic shayari

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