Atonement means in christianity

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फीकी चल रही थी ,ज़िन्दगी
जैसे मिला नहीं कोई ख़ास ,कई अरसे से !
बाज़ार से गुजरे तो ,याद आया!
घर का आईना टूटा है, परसो से।

God is not an illusion,but a symbol pointing beyond itself to realization of the mystery of at-one-ment.

Atonement with father:
In cristianity :
Jesus ascended to haven.
and met his father.
again father is a symbol of ultimate power which support and drive your life.

when you realize what you really are.
when you hit your depth of the being.
that is atonement.
you and your soul are one.

as jesus said:
I and father are one.
just like you and your dream are one ,but in spcae time ,duality comes out.

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Why was Darwin theory removed from syllabus of NCERT?

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In each religion,there is a concept of creation.
In the Greek and Hebrew version man is split in two by a fod.
In chinese,hindu,and Australian it is the god itself who divided and multiplies.

In Bible :
In the first stage:
God created adam.but before that god created a garden,sky,water and all that in seven days.

In india one of the upanisad named Brhadaranyaka:

in the beginning this universe was ut the self in the form of a man.He looked around and saw nothing but himself.
thereupon,his first shout was, It is I!”whence the concept “I” arose.and that is why ,even today ,when addressed, one answer first,It is I.then give another name that one bears…

first everywhere darkness spreading on the water.and nothing else exists.
then God said.let it be light.
and everything gets enlightened.

a similer theory
Initially no one exists but god.
when he realize on one here but he is only alone.
and once he thinks” I”
He discriminated with another one.
and duality comes.

There is a verse in Lao-tzu’s Tao-te Ching which states that out of the Tao, out of the transcendent, comes the One. Out of the One come Two; out of the Two come Three; and out of the Three come all things.

So what I suddenly realized

In all religions,there is a concept of creation.
but if you read it in a literal way,in a historical way.
you lose its meaning.

In india:
Shiva lingam is a symbol of transcendent energy which is pouring into the field of time.Field of time is associated with the female goddess Parwati .which converts singularity into quality.
All quality exists in the field of time. As soon as it enters the field of time,it breaks into a pair of opposites, the one becomes the two.just like a womb into which a sperm gets fertilized .

There is a verse in Lao-tzu’s Tao-te Ching which states that out of the Tao,out of the transcendent, comes the one,Out of the One comes the two,Out of the two comes Three,and out of Three comes all things.

all concepts are just a metaphorical way of saying like BIGBANG.

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What is dream?

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If I asked you what a myth is.
then what comes to your mind.
Lots of stories, folk stories,epic hero journeys ,there was a king,there was a queen etc.

In all stories,lots of things are illogical,like a snake talking to adam,a buffalo talking to a Queen,a horse talking to a king,a turtle talking ,etc.
Animals never talk to men in real life.
all stories are irrelevant if you read the story in a literal way.Such of story is not the thing said but a way of saying it.So that you get the point what should you choose,how to live your life.what is wrong or right etc.
Likewise your dream is a private myth.
A dream is your personal myth.
Myth is the world’myth.

A dream is an organ like your heart,a livery kidney,but not in the physical but spiritual,and psychic terms.

which manifests us ,what’s going inside us.

you never know consciously what you want.
Your mind is an orgon,never sattle,always ripple..
your body wants different.
your body wants different.
this dynamic conflict makes dreams.
manifested the inner conflict.

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Function of mythology

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First function of mythology is to reconcile consiousness to pre-conditions of its own existance.that is to say,to the nature of life.
Life lives on life.
its a first law of nature.
I will eat you ,now you eat me.
if you deny the first law.
you will exile from the eaden like adam and eve.
There is a wonderful verse in the Rig Veda that says,”One the tree 🎄-thats the tree of life,the tree of your own life-there are two bird ,fast eat the fruit of the tree.and another not eating,watches.Now one is eating the fruit of tree is killing fruit.Life lives on life,you eat a life that can’t run away.

Same thing in hindusism.
A monster came to Lord shiva,and said I want your wife as mistress.
Shiva was indignant,so he simply open his third eyes.,and lightning bolt struck on earth.there was smoke and fire.when smoke cleared.another monster,lean,with hair like lion flowing to four direction.,The first monster saw that the lean monster was about to eat him up.what do you do in that situation.Traditionally advice says to throw yourself on your mercy.
Do the monster said ,Shiva !I throw myself on your mercy.
So shiva said ,I yield my mercy.don’t eat him.then lean monster said what do i do.I am hungry, you made me hungry to eat this guy.and shiva said __eat yourself.
So the lean monster started eating on his feet and came chomping up-this is the emage of life living on life.

Siva say to glory face,He who will not bow to you is unworthy to come to me.

Same thing in tribals seen.
A snake feagure found .which eating his own tail.
Jesus secrife his life.
his body is food of people who are going to die.So he secrife to save us,to save himself.
jesus and other people are not many but one.
this is the mistical realization.
crist whithin all being.

if someone going to injured or loose.
your first spontenious response is to save him.even you put your life on risk.
just like you are going to die.
means you and other people are one .Other suffering is also inside you.crist evoke the compassion whithin all.and save the society which losses it.
The first function of mythology is the mystical function,realizing what a wonder universe is, and what a wonder you are.

Myth opens the world to the dimension of mystery,to the realisation of the mystery that underlies all form.If mystery is manifest through all things ,the universe becomes,as it were,a holy picture.You are always addressing the transcendent mystery through the condition of your actual world.
The second is a cosmological dimension, the dimension with which science is concerned-showing you what the shape of the universe is, but showing it in such a way that the mystery again comes through. Today we tend to think that scientists have all the answers. But the great ones tell us, “No, we haven’t got all the answers. We’re telling you how it works-but what is it?” You strike a match, what’s fire? You can tell me about oxidation, but that doesn’t tell me a thing.

The third function is the sociological one-supporting and validating a certain social order. And here’s where the myths vary enormously from place to place. You can have a whole mythology for polygamy, a whole mythology for monogamy. Ei- ther one’s okay. It depends on where you are. It is this sociological function of myth that has taken over in our world-and it is out of date.
The forth function of mythology that is the pedagogical function,of how to live a human lifetime under any circumstances,myth can teach you that.

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Best religious tradition in the world.

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मक्का के मसले से निजात,लोग मक्का में ढूंढते हैं! ख़ुदा करे सबको मदीना का खयाल्

मक्का एक ऐसी जगह जहा पे एक फ़रिस्ता जो की अभी उस शेर की तरह है जिसने बकरीयो के साथ जन्म से हि अपना जीवन जी रहा है।
और् उसे इस बात का इल्म हि नही, वो क्या है।

मदीना एक ऐसी मिस्टीरियस जगह,जहां पे उस शेर को इस बात का एहसास होता है की वो क्या है।
ऐसी जगह जो की geographically exist नहीं करता।बल्कि वो आपके भीतर की दुनिया,मन की दुनिया,ना की देह की,हम बात कर रहे है psyche की ।
आप् के अंतर मन मे वहा,जहां से हर वो चीज आ रही है जा रही है।

ठीक उसी तरह जैसे माॅ काली,जहा से हर चीज़ आ रही है ,जा रही है,

और ये किसी को नही पता,वो चीज़ कहा से रही।
जो ये जान लेता है।

अल्लाह वहि है जो hinduism मे काली हैँ।
जहा से हर वो चीज़ आ रही है जा रही है।
वो केंद्र मदीना का केंद्र है।
और् मदीना का केंद्र केवल मदीना मे नही है।बल्कि हर जगह है।
लेकिन् ये बात आपको तब तक समझ मे नही आएगी जब तक आप खुद ये एहसास ना कर ले।
जैसे की जीसस ने किया।

वो अगर बताये आपको ,तो जो भी वो बतायेगे ,वो स्पेस टाइम बाउंड मे हि सिमित भाषा होगी।
और् आप बस दुनिया का इस तरफ का हि हिस्सा देख पा रहे है ।
तो आप नही समझ पाएंगे ।जब तक आप खुद ना महसूस कर ले।

इस् पूरे कायनात मे जो भी दिख रहा है।वो एक दुनिया है।
लेकिन् इसके पीछे भी एक दुनिया है।
ठीक वैसे हि जैसे की दिन्-रात्,

मक्का एक ऐसी जगह जहा पे आपको नही पता आप क्या हो क्यों हो कहा से आये किसने भेजा।

मदीना ,जहा पे ये सारे सवाल के जवाब मिल जाये।

मक्का से मदीना तक का सफ़र को ही हिज़रत कहते हैं ।

और् यही आपको अपने जीवन मे उतरना है।
आपको अपना मदीना पहुंचना है।
मै geography मे दिये मदीने की बात नही कर रहा।
वो आपको आपके मदीने को खोजने की एक गाइडलाइन है।
एक ritual है इस्लाम मे।

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