God did not create man, but man created God.


Anyone who has had an experience of mystery knows that there is a dimension of the universe that is not that which is available to his senses. There is a pertinent saying in one of the Upanishads: “When before the beauty of a sunset or of a mountain you pause and exclaim, ‘Ah,’ you are participating in divinity.” Such a moment of participation involves a realization of the wonder and sheer beauty of existence.

People living in the world of nature experience such moments every day. They live in the recognition of something there that is much greater than the human dimension. Man’s tendency, however, is to personify such experiences, to anthropomorphize natural forces. Our way of thinking in the West sees God as the final source cause of the energies and wonder of the universe. But in most Oriental thinking, and in primal thinking, also, the gods are rather manifestations and purveyors of an energy that is finally impersonal. They are not its source. God is the vehicle of its energy. And the force or quality of the energy that is involved or represented determines the character and function of the god. There are gods of violence, there are gods of compassion, there are gods that unite the two worlds of the unseen and the seen, and there are gods that are simply the protectors of kings or nations in their war campaigns. These are all personifications of the energies in play. But the ultimate source of the energies remains a mystery.

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Homo sapiens sapiens

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What are your favorite animals?

No other animal has this great thing up there, this mind. When Dr. Freud began interpreting the inspirations and zeals of the top end of the spinal column in terms of the other end, he misunderstood the whole thing. Since the whole sense of mythological imagery is to propel you up into the spiritual realm, interpreting these things in a purely physical, biological way pulls you down again; it punctures and deflates the symbol. We share with the animals the desire to live, the urge toward survival and security. We share with the animals the zeal for sex and the zeal for winning and pres- tige-I’m the winner. Yet we bear within us the potential for an entirely dif- ferent level of experience, a level that can come to us in a moment.

Dante described this enlightened moment in his Vita nuova-the mo ment when he beheld Beatrice, the moment that turned him from a mere human animal into a poet. One might see her as an erotic object, yet what he saw was a manifestation of beauty; he experienced her presence on a dif- ferent level altogether.

All humans are human animals until they reach the 4th psychological centre (heart chakra).

We are all born as animals and live the life that animals live: We sleep, eat, reproduce, and fight. There is, however, another order of living, which the animals do not know, that of awe before the mystery of being, the mysterium tremendum et fascinans, that can be the root and branch of the spiritual sense of one’s days. That is the birth-the Virgin Birth-in the heart of a properly human, spiritual life. As the mystic

In picture,Lower 3 chakras are animal instincts(Food sex power), Upto 3rd chakra ,both human and animal are sharing the same psychology.Just like animals too fighting, smashing, eating.

Humans are also human animals in the depth of being.

In the Indian kundalini system,All three chakras are symbolised in the pelvic region.This is a metaphorical language, but you can say that some people are living on the level of the sex organs,and that’s all they’re living for.Thats the meaning of life.This is Freud’s philosophy.Then You come to the Adlerian philosophy of the will to power,that all of life is centred on the obstruction and overcoming the obstructions. Well,sure that’s a perfectly good life, and those are forms of divinity also.But they are on the animal level.In jungian philosophy, people psychological centres may switch among sex, surviving and power by circumstances.

Then there comes another kind of life, which involves giving oneself to others one way or another.This is the one that’s symbolised in the opening of the heart.

At the level of heart,the 4th chakra symbolised,

Humans became pure human,where compassion born in human heart.

Animals are self-interested primarily.

Homo sapiens sapiens have the potential to become pure humans.

Central mountain of the world

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Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?

Once you start looking in a sacred manner,

When your psychology is being transferred spiritually.and you can see yourself on the pole around which everything revolves.you might say_duality(day-night, happiness -sarrow, pain-pleassure).

The central point of the world is where stillness and movement are together.

Movement is time.

Stillness is eternity.

Realizing the relationship of the temporal movement to the eternal.There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.’ -Albert Einstein¹

It is on this very point that Eastern mysticism and Western science meet. Tat tvam asi, “thou art that,” is the bottom line of Joseph Campbell’s philosophy. There is no matter; everything is the field. The separations and limitations are in our own minds.

To separate oneself or one’s group-to say, “Oh, no, we are different”-is to set oneself against whole- ness. To separate ourselves from the whole is to cut our options and erect the walls of our own prison. When we create duality in our thoughts and lives, we have created opposition.

So this potential lies inside everybody.

Eternity is a dimension of here and now.

The divine lives within you.

Live from your own center.

Your real duty is to go away from the community to find your bliss.

The society is the enemy when it imposes its structures on the individual.

On the dragon there are many scales. Everyone of them says “Thou Shalt.”

Kill the dragon “Thou Shalt.”

When one has killed that dragon, one has become The Child.

Breaking out is following your bliss pattern, quitting the old place, starting your hero journey, following your bliss.

You throw off yesterday as the snake sheds its skin.

So ,the central mountain of the world is everywhere,not in Banaras,not in Jerusalem ,not in the maxico, lhasa.

All are symbolic of a spiritual principle as the centre of the world.

Temples are the Womb of the spiritual birth.

There are many cubes designed here.All cubes refer to the psychological centre.

When you find yourself at the central point.you find eternity.and you will also say,I am at the center of the world but the center of the world is everywhere.

The Christ

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The key word is found in Paul who wrote to the Galatians that Christ redeemed man from the curse of the Law. The “Establishment” may be understood as a system of laws through which one’s experiences of life are filtered. One must be redeemed from this through the doctrine of love. From Christ’s words, we have learned that we should love our neighbors. We are not-as in previous times to hate our enemies, but to love them instead. Christ also said that man is not made for the Sabbath, but that the Sabbath is made for man. In around other words, the Law is to serve man and not man the Law. This represents an enormous transformation of our spiritual understanding of our relationship to each other,God,and law fashioned by other men in His name.

Let me remind you of that moment in which Christ transcended all the laws. It is the story of His forty days in the desert. In this case, the Devil represented the Law that had to be transcended.

The very first question the Devil put to Christ was, “Why don’t you turn these stones into bread?” Christ replies that man lives not by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. He rejects the economic theory of the spiritual life, thereby refuting Bernard Shaw’s notion that one must be economically well-off before one can practice spiritual exercises.

In the second temptation, the Devil takes Christ up onto the mountain top, showing and offering to Him the lands of the world if He will bow down to him. And Christ says, “Get thee behind me, Saran,” thereby transcending the seduction of political power as life’s aim.

The Devil then takes Him up to the pinnacle of the temple, suggesting that if Christ is so spiritual, He can cast himself down and God will bear Him up. Christ rejects this temptation to spiritual inflation by saying, “You shall not tempt the Lord thy God.” Christ returns then from the desert to preach to the people the new message of the spirit, the message of love.

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The Buddha

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If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why?

Good and evil are relative to the position in which you are standing. What is good for one is evil for the other. And you play your part, not withdrawing from the world when you realise how horrible it is,but seeing that this horrible is simply the foreground of a wonder:a mysterium tremendum.

“All life is sorrowful” is the first Buddhist saying, and so it is. It wouldn’t be life if there were not temporality involved, which is sorrow-loss, loss, loss. You’ve got to say yes to life and see it as magnificent this way; for this is surely the way God intended it.
No one believes that there was anybody who intended it, but this is the way it is. James Joyce has a memorable line: “History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.” And the way to awake from it is not to be afraid, and to recognize that all of this, as it is, is a manifestation of the horrendous power that is of all creation. The ends of things are always painful. But pain is part of there being a world at all.

That is not the necessary conclusion to draw. You could say, “I will participate in this life, I will join the army, I will go to war,” and so forth.

“I will participate in the game. It is a wonderful. wonderful opera-except that it hurts.”

Affirmation is difficult. We always affirm with conditions.I affirm the world on condition that it gets to be the way Santa Claus told me it ought to be. But affirming it the way it is that’s the hard thing, and that is what rituals are about. You can participate joyfully in a sarrowful world.