Less adventure life
When my life is not challenging.
When my life is not challenging.
Animals are highly self-interested.
People are also self-interested. People make a circle around himself.
A family member is also self-interested ,they make a circle around his family.
A community member is also self-interested.
And you will become patriotic when you make a circle not around the family but the country.
But when you approach the level of Buddha consciousness.Where no more horizon.you don’t identify with yourself with any family or country but humanity.
Life is pain,life is suffering and life is horror -but compassion is what gives it the possibility of continuing. The bodhisattva is one who has achieved the realization of immortality yet voluntarily participates in the sorrows of the world. Voluntary participation in the world is very different from just getting born into it. That’s exactly the theme of Paul’s statement about Christ in his Epistle to the Philippians: that Jesus “did not think God- hood something to be held to but took the form of a servant here on the earth, even to death on the cross.” That’s a voluntary participation in the fragmentation of life.
The same which was of Buddha and Jesus.
Life is hanging on two nodes.Which are Birth and death.
Birth is not in your possession.Death is also not in your possession.
What it means _ Life is not stable but falling continuously.What we can do is diving and diving.
Life is always at the edge of death.Don’t fear and start diving.