Why myths are important??
People say,they don’t care about myth.it doesn’t belong to my life.
Myth are made by a human emagination etc.
If you also having the same perspective towards myths.then let me introduce you about myth.
Don’t care about myth.Go on,lives your life,if you enjoy your life.you don’t need to being interested in any subject just because it is said to be important.
One of our problems today is that we are not well acquainted with the literature of the spirit.We are interested in the news of the day and the problem of the hour.we are interested in the subject or matter which is trending on social media and Twitter.
We are not familiar with eternal values.
When you get to be older and concerns of the day have all been attended to,and you turn to the inner life,well if you don’t know where it is,or what it is,you will be sorry.
There is a time comes to you.that you looses something, whithout that you can’t live .You may live in any circumstances but not without your beloved.then how do you pursue your life journey.
if your body organs gradually falling down.How do you handle it?
Some time life seems worthless ,what will you do?you are going through a psychological crisis,and you are brusting inside, how do you handle?
You may recover these but with lot of sufferings.
Myth gives you a road map to live your life.
Myth gives you a perspective of on what’s happening to you.
Myth gives you a clue to your inner potential,inner mysteries,inner thresold of passage.
If you don’t know what the guide signs are along the way,
you are going to be trapped into the deep dark Jungle,where you dont nothing.
Myth opens the door of inner being.which is a cause of outer world.
without that outer world is nothing just like without thrust,there is no taste in drinking.
You never going to turn wanter into wine like jusus.
Jesus is a historical character but Christ is eternal.
Same way.
your are a charector who is engaging in tempral space- time.
but within you,there is a christ. how do you find it out.
Myth will gives you all the question’s answer if you are being interested in myths.
Mythology teaches you what is behind literature and the art.
It teaches you about your own life.
The myth tells us , how to respond to cirtain crises of disappointment or delight or failure or success.The myth talls us where we are.
What is the goal of life in all religions??
“The goal of life is to make your heart beat match the beat of the universe,to match your nature with nature”
This is to say by metaphorical way.
Loak at nature:
#everything is temporary.
seeds are going to be fertilized,then scattering then become trees.
But people hate scattering.
A child never wants to be separated from their mother.
A teenager never wants to be an adult,this is to say,he/she never wants to be responsible.Until he can face a challenge without running back to his parents internally,he can never be a true adult.
A son never wants to be a father.
But nature is natural,no one can change its process.
#Every thing in nature is going to be eaten .
But people loved eating but not being eaten.
People love animals, people eat some Animals ,but people refuse to be eaten
In nature :what to be born is going to die,and what to die is going to be born.
but people deny their death.
Death is another side of life.
Nature is full of cruelty.
But people deny suffering.
Nature always changes.
People fear changes.
Central of your own being.
Buddha comes to his realisation beneath the bodhi tree only after seeking and trail.
In all religions throughout the world , Religious Guru got enlightenment on a place like mountain,cave, desert,river, below tree.
It doesn’t mean you have to go to the places where those were enlightened.
You may get enlightenment in your bedroom, classroom,on the road etc.
when your consciousness expends.you realise the ultimate mysterious thing which is your own being
that is a sacred place.
A sacred place is nowhere but everywhere.
#Jerusalem# Rome# Banaras,#Mexico city.
when you reach your own centre of being.you too will say.I am in the centre of the world but the centre of the world is everywhere.As well as you realises.we are just far away from this ultimate realisation.
Jesus Christ said__the kingdom of god pouring on earth continuously but people don’t see it.
The person who has had a mystical experience knows that the best things can’t be told.
All the symbols of religions don’t render the mystical experience. They suggest it.
If you have not had experience.How can you know what it is?
Try to explain the joy of skiing to someone who lives in the tropics who has never even seen it now.
So all the mystical experiences of jesus are communicating to you through a symbol and metaphors.
Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again. You really don’t have a sacred space, a rescue land, until you find somewhere to be that’s not a wasteland, some field of action where there is a spring of ambrosia—a joy that comes from inside, not something external that puts joy into you—a place that lets you experience your own will and your own intention and your own wish so that, in small, the Kingdom is there. I think everybody, whether they know it or not, is in need of such a place.
You never get until you experience it.
Trinity throughout the World
Adam,Eve and the snake.
Human ,god and holy Ghost
Jesus,father and spirit
Greek goddess in the form of three faces. which was recognised by carl yung throughout the world in every religion the same thing in different characterization. So he called it archetypes. These are talking the same things through different metaphors.
In the middle vishnu unites the duality(being and nonbeing, moral immoral, light darkness ,human-god, masculine -feminine,consciousness-unconsiousness, male-famale). Without duality , we can’t even think, we can’t even experience.there is no space time, in the middle something that plays the shadow game with two. Which is associated with eternity.from there both aspects came out. Like in middle singularity from there ,duality comes out .(big bang theory).
There is a Hindu emage that shows a triangle, which is the mother Goddess,and a dot in Centre of the trangle.which is energy of transcendental entering the field of time.and then from this traingle there comes pairs of triangle in all directions.out of one comes two.
Same way..
Shiva source of transcendental energy.
engaged into the Field of time which is represented by Goddess (Parwati) genital creates the universe.all the duality comes out.