Tag: dailyprompt

Call to Adventure


You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence?

The hero’s journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say, ‘Look, you’re in Sleepy Land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here? Well, there’s not enough of you there.’ And so it starts.


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What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

“Mythology helps you to identify the mysteries of the energies pouring through you. Therein lies your eternity.”

The hero’s journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say, ‘Look, you’re in Sleepy Land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here? Well, there’s not enough of you there.’ And so it starts.

Whenever men have looked for something solid on which to found their lives, they have chosen not the facts in which the world abounds, but the myths of an immemorial imagination.”

Myths don’t tell us what to choose, but provide guidance on how to make choices in harmony with our own nature.

Village Life Departure


Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to.

Village life.

Teenager to adulthood.

मेरे अंदर की नदिया सूख गई,

इन बादलों से कहां मेरा बसर होता है।

मेरा गांव ही मुझसे छूट गया,

अब कहां मेरा शहर होता है।।

Word Association Test

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If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

With the help of this test, you can explore the unconsciousness of humans.Its a basically projective test. You cannot explore the unconscious until it is projected. You can notice that your buddy is nice to you and everything is going good and fine and suddenly he gets angry with you. The reason here is that something hits 🎯 the conflicts in the unconscious by the projections of the word or conversation.

People usually don’t respond to the words which are associated with the conflicts of their life,and these conflicts are never going to be solved.

People usually respond delayed to the words which are associated with the conflicts of his life and being attended by the person but couldn’t be resolved.