Find your own sacred place into the field of duality,find your own centre.
Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.
My sacred place is where I open my favourite book with a long holiday,this place could be anywhere,and no one there to disturb me for a long time.but if this premises and circumstances are not fulfilled,then ,I actually entered in Wasteland,
Joseph compbell said__
Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again. You really don’t have a sacred space, a rescue land, until you find somewhere to be that’s not a wasteland, some field of action where there is a spring of ambrosia—a joy that comes from inside, not something external that puts joy into you—a place that lets you experience your own will and your own intention and your own wish so that, in small, the Kingdom is there. I think everybody, whether they know it or not, is in need of such a place. ~Joseph Campbell.
IN N Mark 13, Jesus says that the end of the world is going to come, and he describes it as a terrible crisis of fire and all kinds of other horrors. So, according to the teachings of the Catholic church, it’s going to be a concrete historical event. And in Mark 13:30, Jesus says, “Amen I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things have been accomplished.” But that generation did pass away, and the end of the world didn’t come, so it’s often called “the great nonevent.” It didn’t happen. So then the Catholic church said that when Jesus used the words “this generation,” what he meant was the generation of mankind, and so this
event is yet going to happen. In the Thomas Gospel, on the other hand, when the apostles ask, “When will the Kingdom come?”-Jesus says, “The Kingdom will not come by expectation. They will not say ‘see here, see there.’ The Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it.” That’s Gnosticism.
Work begins when you don’t like what you are doing.