Bodhisattva -Art of living

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In An individuals life,this is really a great mystical experience that he no longer identifies himself with history of his carnal body but with the consciousness rather than with the vehicle which carries consciousness. The bondage of vehicle is nothing to do with the bondage of the consciousness .you are free in bondage.
Mythologically ,the shackles fall without leaving your wrists.
This the condition Of what in Buddhist traditional Known as Bodhisattva, the One whose being sattva is illustration.He Knows that in the world, in the field of bondage, the eternal power plays.
And so,you have a formula, joyfully participation in the sarrowfull world.

The vision quest :

The radio station WOB, Wisdom of the Buddha, is broadcasting all the time. But you’ve got to have a receiving set. And until you have the receiving set, well, you’re not getting the message.” You can’t teach Buddhism. You can’t teach illumination. You can give different clues to how to get it. But if a person isn’t willing to paddle his own canoe he’s not going to get across the river.

Some people are just unable to experience the radiance, but they can listen to a lecture. I think it was Oscar Wilde who said if an Ameri- can was given a chance to choose between going to heaven and hearing a lecture about it, he’d go to the lecture. And so if you’re unable to experience heaven you can take a lecture about it. And maybe that will save you.

Just like Jesus said_Kingdom of father spreading on the earth continuously but people don’t see it .

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