Author: Ranjeet

Religious Transformation/Conversion

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It doesn’t teach dying to one’s self, literally suffering the pain of death to the world and its value.
This is a such suicide ,which is symbolic act.It casts off the

psychological posture that you happen to be in at the time.So that you come into a better one.
you die to your current life in order to come to another of some kind.
As Carl Jung says, you’d better not get caught in a symbolic don’t have to die, really,physically.
All you have to do is die spiritually and be reborn to a larger way of living.
In marriage or in any military or any mission, people wearing new dresses,that are symbolic of psychological transformation.
your psychological center is changed now.
you are acting not for your own interest but for the relationship or a community etc.

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Heartbreaking is a initiation to be born again

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This is the stage of life,when Shree Ram departed to the jungle for 12 years.

This is the stage of life,when Lord Krishna has to leave Dwarka .

This is the stage of life,when Buddha has to leave his kingdom and family.

This is the stage of life ,when Moses has to leave their ordinary world.Moses, the symbol of one who goes off alone, leaving his people only to return with a law for them. This is the identical hero journey that we find in all of the old ethnic traditions. Every one of the so- cial orders is finally traced back to the realization and experience of some on of single individual who alone experiences the mystery, passes the test, as it were, and returns with a message for mankind, as in the case of Moses, his coming down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments.

We have the word in English, “at-one-ment” with the father. You remember the story of Jesus lost in Jerusalem when he was a little boy about twelve years old. His parents hunt for him, and when they find him in the temple, in conversation with the doctors of the law, they ask, “Why did you abandon us this way? Why did you give us this fear and anxiety?” And he says, “Didn’t you know I had to be about my father’s business?” He’s twelve years old-that’s the age of the adolescent initiations, finding who you are.

He who is not reborn in water and spirit, can’t enter the kingdom of heaven__jesus Christ

This is the initiation of Prophet Muhammad’s journey from makka to madinah.

If you undergo a spiritual transformation and have not had prepared for don’t know how to evaluate what has happened to you,and you get there terrible experiences of bad trip.

If you know where you are going, you won’t have a bad trip.So this is why it is a psychological crisis if you are drowning in the water where you ought to be able to swim,but weren’t prepared.That is true of the spiritual life, anyhow.It is terrifying experience to have your consciousness transformed.

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Crucifixion of Christ

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Whenever people get corrupt. A revolution takes place.
When cruelty is exceeded then there is a hero who comes to evoke kindness.
For example.
When the devil torches the innocent people.
People use to be crucifixion.eventually a hero comes to evoke the compassion of men through sacrifice himself.his pain evokes the compassion in people’s hearts.

Lets see..
When Men fell to the the devil 👿,the devil came to hold a legal claim over man,breaking up the tradition of creation.How is God going to get Man back?
The theological notion is that God offered his own son to get Men’s soul back.

This is the Redemption.
God redeem it.
and Christ is incorruptible .So the devil couldn’t hold Christ and got cheated.

If we read this metaphor of crucifixion in the psychological terms sug- gested by Jung’s designation of sensation and intuition, feeling and think- ing, we may recognize that in our living, in our temporal, historical living, we are bound either to one or the other of the opposed terms of each pair, and hence to a knowledge or idea of good and evil that commits us to liv- ing as partial human beings. It follows that to be released from this limita- tion one must in some sense die to the laws of virtue and sin under which one lives in this world, opening oneself to a circulation of energy and light through all four of the functions, while remaining centered in the middle, so to say, like the Tree of Life in the garden, where the rivers flow in four directions; or like the point of intersection of the two beams of the cross, behind the head of the Savior, crowned with thorns. “Our old self,” states Paul, “was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed…. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.” and Hinduism, like Judaism, is an ancient religion of race, caste, or birth. and there, too, a phallic symbolism is recognized, the lingam and yoni (symbolized male and female organs) appearing in the central sanctuaries of temples, whereas Buddhism, which, like Christianity, is a credal reli- gion of belief and faith, not of birth and race, the central symbol is that of the savior with the accent on his illuminated head. The horizontal beam of the specifically Christian cross is fixed, not

at the middle of the vertical beam, but higher, at the level of the Savior’s

head. At the middle, it would have crossed at the genitals and thereby have represented a phallic centering, like that of Yahweh’s Old Testament law for those circumcised in the Covenant, where the religion is of race; whereas the Christian is of faith, belief, the mind and heart, to which members of any race whatsoever may be joined.

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Science knows nothing about this universe??

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The second function of mythology is a cosmological dimension,the dimension with which science is concerned, showing you what the shape of the universe is.but showing it in such a way that mystery again comes through.

Today we tend to think that scientists have all the answers.

But the great one tells you ,No,we have not got all the answers,

Science telling you how it works.but what is it?? science don’t know.
what is fire 🔥??
science can tell me about oxidation,but that doesn’t tell me a thing.
If you want to see mysterious things .
See over the things without thinking about its name and use.

He who thinks he knows, doesn’t know.
He who knows that he doesn’t know, knows.
Mythology opens the world so that it becomes transparent to something that is beyond speech beyond , beyond words,in short, to what we call transcendence.

The energy of the universe and the energy of life that comes up in the sub atomic particle displace that science shows us, are operative.
They come and go.where do they come from? where do they go? is there a where?

The illumination is the recognition of the radiance of one eternity through all things, whether in the vision of time these things are judged as good or as evil. To come to this, you must release yourself completely from desiring the goods of this world and fearing their loss. “Judge not that you be not judged,” we read in the words of Jesus. “If the doors of perception were cleansed,” wrote Blake, “man would see everything as it is, infinite.”

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Feminine mystery in mythology

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In Hinduism, all power, sakti, is female. So, the female represents the totality of the power, and the male is imaged as the agent of the female. In that sense, the power that a female feels from the male-the animus, in Jungian terms-is a specification of the female power, a mode of application of that power.

She nourishes and destroys also.
she gives the form to all things.
she gives birth and nourishes as earth does.
She also consumes the things that are born from his womb like life lives on li.

Jesus is called the son of God,but the mother gave birth to jesus.Mother is God.

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