Who is Santa Claus??
Santa Claus gives many surprises gifts to the children on Christmas.What it means : Life is not giving us what we want but gives us a surprise gift.Suppose that your child’s favourite fruit is an apple,then Santa Claus will give him other things he doesn’t’want.Life is unexpected.It’s a ritual to introduce the clues to your child about life fact,what is going to happen in his life.And what he is going to confront.Life is always unexpected.you have to make it worthwhile. Life lives on killing and eating.you can not deny it..If you don’t do this ritual,and your child always gets what he wants from his parents. He will definitely confront a psychological crisis when life gives him challenges.Culture can also teach us to go past its concepts.
That is what is known as initiation. A true initiation is when the guru tells you, “There is no Santa Claus.” Santa Claus is metaphoric of a relationship between parents and children. The relationship does exist, and so it can be experienced, but there is no Santa Claus. Santa Claus was simply a way of clueing children into the appreciation of a relationship.
Life is, in its very essence and character, a terrible mystery- this whole business of living by killing and eating. But it is a childish attitude to say no to life with all its pain, to say that this is something that should not have been.