What is the goal of life in all religions??
“The goal of life is to make your heart beat match the beat of the universe,to match your nature with nature”
This is to say by metaphorical way.
Loak at nature:
#everything is temporary.
seeds are going to be fertilized,then scattering then become trees.
But people hate scattering.
A child never wants to be separated from their mother.
A teenager never wants to be an adult,this is to say,he/she never wants to be responsible.Until he can face a challenge without running back to his parents internally,he can never be a true adult.
A son never wants to be a father.
But nature is natural,no one can change its process.
#Every thing in nature is going to be eaten .
But people loved eating but not being eaten.
People love animals, people eat some Animals ,but people refuse to be eaten
In nature :what to be born is going to die,and what to die is going to be born.
but people deny their death.
Death is another side of life.
Nature is full of cruelty.
But people deny suffering.
Nature always changes.
People fear changes.
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