Mystery behind religion.

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Nothing is absolute
there is a light spot in darkness.
and there is a dark spot in brightness.

Nothing is absolute truth.
there is a little false in the whole truth.
there is a bit of truth in each false.

No one is an absolute male.
there is anima(in jungian psychology ( in collective unconscious
which tends to respond to feminine psyche.

and there is an animus in feminine psyche.
which tends to respond to masculine psyche.

same philosophy in hinduism.

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Religious symbols #Mythology

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Symbol is something that pointing from space time things or any thing to transcendent.
Symbols work as automatic button that releases energy and chanels it.

Symbol builts into psyche.
How it built in psyche.No one know,it comes from where.

Let see eg.
if Hawk fly over chicks,that have just been hatched from egg,and have never seen a hawk before.

Chicks fear from hawk.
but if a pigeon flies over,they don’t.

If the same hawk emage drawn by wood.
Chicks response are same.

in psychology this mechanism is called IRM(inner release machenism).

Means something that spontenious hit the psyche,through nervous system.
I mean it doesn’t like something you see then you think about that through thinking,feeling,sensing etc,but spontaneous response.

For the symbol of mythology are not manufactured,they can’t be ordered,invented,or permanently suppreed.They are spontaneous production of psyche.

The same principal use in symbols of mythology.

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The day of Qayamat “& End of the world

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Purgation is nothing but conquering the animal instinct.

what is animal instinct?
these three instincts are common in both humans and animals.

Animals too are smashing, like human smashing,rushing, eating, controlling
fighting , etc.

All the instincts are corrupt until it is not being operated from heart level.

Heart Level?
symbolically refers to the 4th chakra,where compassion is born in humans’s,born into the depth of are totally transformed on a psychological level.

When the human psyche hangs on the level of three instincts.
You are going to be bound in hell.
your psyche gets narrow over and over again.

But once you conquer these instincts.
and compassion born into your being.

then you test the wine which jesus tested.
All your actions will be getting spiritual .

The day of this mystical realization is a day of Qayamat in the Quran.


The Kingdom is here, right before our eyes-that is the message of Jesus in the Gospels. In Mark, the End of the World sounds like something that is still to come, a future event. Jesus is supposed to have said, “This genera- tion will not pass away before these things will come to pass.” And that was thought to predict the imminent End of the World.

People found, of course, that the world did not end and it came to be regarded, as they say, as “the great nonevent.” But institutional churches still say that it is going to happen. You cannot, however, read this notion of the End of the World historically as something fundamentally in the cal- end of time. If you see that the Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth while others do not see it, the End of the World has come for you. For the world as it was for you has indeed ended.

You see the world’s radiant joy and you say “Yes” to it all and do not say “No” to it at all. This Gnostic insight carries into the experience that we have already described of the planting mythologies. Therein one identifies or recognizes the dynamism of life in all things. We are not to be- come attached to the mere phenomenal aspect of the world but to see directly to its core.

IN N Mark 13, Jesus says that the end of the world is going to come, and he describes it as a terrible crisis of fire and all kinds of other horrors. So, according to the teachings of the Catholic church, it’s going to be a concrete historical event. And in Mark 13:30, Jesus says, “Amen I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things have been accom- plished.” But that generation did pass away, and the end of the world didn’t come, so it’s often called “the great nonevent.” It didn’t happen. So then the Catholic church said that when Jesus used the words “this gener- ation,” what he meant was the generation of mankind, and so this

event is yet going to happen. In the Thomas Gospel, on the other hand, when the apostles ask, “When will the Kingdom come?”-Jesus says, “The Kingdom will not come by expectation. They will not say ‘see here, see there.’ The Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it.”100 That’s Gnosticism.

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Religious vision

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Don’t get stuck on what you see.see what lies behind .

you will find the infinity everywhere.

If you are getting stuck on what you see, it means you get stuck in illusion.

You stuck on what your eyes see.

Go past that.

And see what lies behind everything.

Don’t stuck on rainbow 🌈 different colours but see the white colour lies behind all colours.

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