What is yoga in India?

Word yoga itself from a Sanskrit verbal root yuj, meaning to Yoke, to link one thing to another, refer to the act of linking the mind to the source of mind, consciousness to the source of consciousness, the import of which definition is perhaps best induce treated in the discipline known as knowledge yoga The Yoga that is to say of discrimination between the knower and the known, between the subject and the object in every act of knowing and identification of oneself. then with the subject I know my body my body is the object,I am the witness the knower of the object .
I therefore am not my body,
Next:I know my thoughts I am not my thought.
so I know my feelings but I am not my feelings .
you can back yourself out of the room that way and the Buddha then comes along and adds you are not the witness of either.
There is no witness.” So where are you now ? where you between two thoughts? this is the way known as jnana yoga,the way of sheer knowledge.“The aim of yoga in India is to make the mind stand still. Our minds are spontaneously very active, in constant movement. It’s as though a wind were blowing over the surface of a pond and activating all the water; the waves break up images so all you see are broken reflections that come and go. And so it is in our lives. All we see are broken images.
But if you can take the wind away (that’s what the word nirvana means: “de-spirated, blown out” —the wind is gone), the pond stands perfectly still.
Make the wind withdraw. Let the pond stand still, and you’ll see the one image that was broken in all these reflections.
When the mind stands still, you see the one reflection, that Being of Beings of which YOU are a reflection. That is God. Do not identify your historical, physical body with that Being of Beings. Your body is but one of the reflections of that energy that informs the world and informs your life.”